

MOHS Surgery

What is MOHS Surgery?

MOHS surgery, named after its founder Dr. Frederic E. Mohs, is a precise and meticulous procedure designed to treat certain types of skin cancer, particularly basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma. This technique differs from other skin cancer treatments as it involves the removal of cancerous tissue layer by layer, with immediate microscopic examination, ensuring the complete removal of cancer cells while preserving healthy tissue.

The MOHS Procedure

1. Tissue Removal

The surgeon begins by removing the visible cancerous tissue along with a thin layer of surrounding skin.

2. Tissue Mapping

The removed tissue is meticulously mapped, and the surgeon examines it under a microscope to identify any remaining cancer cells.

3. Additional Layers

If cancer cells are detected, the surgeon removes additional layers of tissue only from the affected areas, sparing healthy tissue.

4. Complete Removal

This process continues until no cancer cells are visible under the microscope, ensuring the complete removal of the malignancy.

5. Closure

Once cancer-free, the surgeon discusses the options for closing the wound, considering aesthetics and functionality.

Benefits of MOHS Surgery

High Cure Rates

MOHS surgery boasts high cure rates, making it an excellent choice for treating skin cancer.

Tissue Preservation

By selectively removing only cancerous tissue, MOHS surgery minimizes damage to healthy surrounding skin.

Optimal Cosmetic Outcomes

The staged removal process allows for precise reconstruction, leading to better cosmetic results.

Immediate Confirmation

Microscopic examination during the procedure provides immediate feedback, enabling real-time adjustments to ensure complete cancer removal.

Recovery and Aftercare

Minimal Scarring

Thanks to the meticulous nature of MOHS surgery, scarring is often minimal, and the surgeon takes great care in optimizing cosmetic outcomes.

Follow-up Care

Regular follow-up appointments are essential to monitor healing, address any concerns, and detect any potential recurrence early on.

Sun Protection

Patients are advised to protect their skin from the sun to reduce the risk of new skin cancers.

Skin Cancer Surgery

Skin cancer surgery is a specialized field within dermatology focused on the removal of cancerous lesions from the skin. While there are different surgical approaches, the choice of procedure depends on factors such as the type of skin cancer, its size, location, and the patient’s overall health

Common Skin Cancer Surgical Procedures

1. Excisional Surgery

This involves removing the entire tumor along with a margin of surrounding healthy tissue. It’s a common approach for both basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.

2. MOHS Surgery

As mentioned in our MOHS surgery guide, this technique is highly effective for certain skin cancers, involving the staged removal of cancerous tissue with immediate microscopic examination to ensure complete removal.

3. Curettage and Electrodessication

This procedure involves scraping off the cancerous tissue followed by cauterization to destroy any remaining cancer cells. It is often used for superficial skin cancers.

4. Lymph Node Surgery

In cases where skin cancer has spread to the lymph nodes, surgical removal may be necessary for comprehensive treatment.  In these cases, your Dermatologist will often work as part of a collaborative team with a surgical oncologist or other specialized surgeon.

The Importance of Early Detection

Early detection is key to successful skin cancer treatment. Regular skin checks and prompt consultation with a Board-Certified Dermatologist for any suspicious lesions can significantly improve outcomes. Skin cancer surgery is most effective when the cancer is detected and treated in its early stages.

Recovery and Aftercare

Wound Care

Following surgery, proper wound care is crucial for optimal healing. Your dermatologist will provide detailed instructions on how to care for the surgical site.

Follow-up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments are scheduled to monitor healing, assess for any signs of recurrence, and address any concerns you may have.

Sun Protection

Protecting your skin from the sun is essential post-surgery to minimize the risk of new skin cancers and promote overall skin health.

If you have questions or concerns about skin cancer surgery or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please reach out. Your skin health is our top priority, and together, we can navigate the path to recovery and well-being.

Mole Removal

Moles are common skin growths that are usually harmless. However, there are instances where removal is recommended for medical or cosmetic reasons:

Cosmetic Concerns

If a mole is aesthetically bothersome or impacts your self-confidence, mole removal can be a viable option to enhance your appearance.

Suspicious Moles

Moles exhibiting irregularities in size, shape, color, or border may raise concerns about skin cancer. Removal and subsequent examination provide a definitive diagnosis.

Frequent Irritation

Moles that experience repeated irritation due to friction with clothing or accessories may warrant removal to prevent discomfort and inflammation.

Changes Over Time

Any significant changes in a mole, such as rapid growth or alterations in color, should be promptly evaluated by a dermatologist. Removal may be recommended based on the assessment.

Mole Removal Procedures

Excisional Surgery

This involves cutting out the entire mole, along with a margin of surrounding healthy skin. It is suitable for larger moles or those suspected of being cancerous.

Shave Excision

This technique involves shaving off the mole at the skin’s surface. It is appropriate for raised moles and generally leaves minimal scarring.

Post-Removal Care

Wound Care

Following mole removal, proper care is crucial for optimal healing. Your dermatologist will provide detailed instructions on keeping the wound clean and protected.


The degree of scarring varies depending on the removal method and the individual’s healing process. Your dermatologist will discuss potential scarring during the consultation.

Follow-up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments allow your dermatologist to monitor healing, assess for any signs of complications, and address any concerns you may have.

Cyst Removal

Cysts are sac-like structures filled with fluid or other materials that can form beneath the skin. While most cysts are benign, they can cause discomfort, become infected, or negatively impact your skin’s appearance. Cyst removal surgery is often recommended to address these concerns and prevent potential complications.

Reasons for Cyst Removal

1. Infection

Infected cysts can cause pain, redness, and swelling. Removal is essential to eliminate the source of infection and prevent its recurrence.

2. Discomfort

Large or recurrent cysts can cause physical discomfort, especially when they interfere with daily activities or cause irritation.

3. Cosmetic Concerns

Cysts can be aesthetically displeasing, particularly when they are located in visible areas. Removal can improve the overall appearance of your skin.

4. Risk of Rupture

Cysts that are prone to rupture or leakage may lead to inflammation and scarring. Surgical removal minimizes the risk of complications.

Cyst Removal Procedures

Incision and Drainage

For certain cysts, a simple incision is made to drain the contents, relieving discomfort, and reducing the risk of infection.

Excisional Surgery

This involves the complete removal of the cyst, including the cyst wall. It is recommended for larger or recurrent cysts and helps prevent future occurrences.

Post-Removal Care

Wound Care

Proper care of the surgical site is crucial for optimal healing. Your dermatologist will provide detailed instructions on keeping the area clean and protected.

Pain Management

Over-the-counter pain relievers and prescribed medications may be recommended to manage post-surgical discomfort.

Follow-up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments allow your dermatologist to monitor the healing process, address any concerns, and ensure the best possible outcome.


Lipomas are non-cancerous growths composed of fat cells that accumulate beneath the skin. While generally harmless, lipomas can sometimes cause discomfort, affect mobility, or become aesthetically bothersome. Lipoma removal surgery is a safe and effective solution to address these concerns and enhance your overall skin health.

Reasons for Lipoma Removal

1. Discomfort or Pain

Large or deep lipomas can cause discomfort or pain, especially if they press against nerves or other structures.

2. Aesthetic Concerns

Lipomas may be visible or palpable, impacting your skin’s appearance and potentially affecting your self-esteem.

3. Functional Impairment

In some cases, lipomas can interfere with movement or daily activities, necessitating their removal.

4. Changes Over Time

While lipomas are typically slow-growing and asymptomatic, any sudden changes in size, shape, or symptoms should be evaluated promptly.

Lipoma Removal Procedures

Excisional Surgery

This common approach involves making an incision, removing the lipoma along with its capsule, and closing the incision with sutures. This ensures complete removal and reduces the risk of recurrence.

Post-Removal Care

Wound Care

Proper care of the surgical site is crucial for optimal healing. Your dermatologist will provide detailed instructions on keeping the area clean and protected.

Pain Management

Over-the-counter pain relievers and prescribed medications may be recommended to manage post-surgical discomfort.

Follow-up Appointments

Regular follow-up appointments allow your dermatologist to monitor the healing process, assess for any signs of complications, and ensure the best possible outcome.

Precision Skin Cancer Surgery and Cyst Removal in Joplin

Expert Mohs Surgery | Scar and Mole Removal